Blog: 🚗

Wow! All I can say is thank you! I feel so blessed to be able to roll around in a decent car now. One that works. One that has AC (it’s 109F degrees right now). One that has very few miles/kilometers. One that is safe. It’s all because of you guys!

I must do a few shout-outs. First off, thanks to Adventist Health International Global for making sure we followed all the IRS rules and being the final stop for donations. Second, thank you Quincy SDA Church as you funneled the majority (and raised!) of funds. I’m so lucky to have grown up in a church full of such generous, mission minded people. Thank you Grindley SDA Church for offerings during the month of January. Thank you Sierra Family Dentistry (That’s my dad) for having a display in your office.

And of course thank you all who slipped money to me from the first random post of asking to borrow $20. I wish I could write each and everyone of you a thank you note by that might take a while and I don’t have all of your addresses so this will have to suffice.

So what kind of car is it? Well it’s true that we don’t have them in the US. It’s a 2008 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado TX. It’s a diesel and has a manual transmission. When I got it, it had less than 32,000 kilometers or less than 20,000 miles. It has an extra fuel tank so I can go over 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) on one fill up. Interior is in great condition and it seats 8 (though I took out the back seats for more space).

This car is perfect for this post as Deputy Director as it can go and go and go and it’s comfortable enough for the long journeys and in great condition. When my time comes, there’s no question that this car will still be here and working in good condition. It’s a good car and should outlast a couple Deputy Directors.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! May God bless you in your generosity!

Zachary Gately, MPH
Deputy Director
Adventist Health International-Tchad
+235 68920884
+235 91122492

L’Hopital Adventiste de Béré
ATTN: Zachary Gately
52 Boîte Postal
Kelo, Tchad

2 thoughts on “Blog: 🚗

  1. Very cool car, very cool driver! Drive safely and always look out for anything on the road but especially also for you! Eva

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